Women’s Soccer Adds Two New Coaches

By: Kate Nordhaus/

The Howard Payne University women’s soccer team 2024 season is well under way, and Head Coach Brandon Badgeley is looking to improve after leading his team last year to a 10-7-2 record. With two new assistant coaches added to the mix, Badgeley wants to continue to build on last year to try and advance even further in the playoffs this year

The two new assistant coaches are Dylan Person and former player Kendra Cecil.

Person said he was drawn to HPU and excited about being in the women’s soccer program.

“Seeing the glory of Christ demonstrated and represented through the sport of soccer and the lives of both players and coaches,” Person said. 

Person added that he is looking forward to working with the leadership that surrounds the program and building on the ideas they have for the future. 

“The [soccer team’s] amazing culture has welcomed me with open arms. I’m so excited to help with the continuing growth of Yellow Jacket soccer,” said Person.

Cecil was a former stand-out player for HPU and now is stepping up as an assistant coach. She said she is enjoying getting to work for her former coach. 

“I’ve loved getting to still be around the team and a part of this amazing program. Now I’m getting to learn the behind-the-scenes from Coach Badgeley after learning from him for the past five years on the field,” she said.

The 2024 roster is eager to start conference play and learn from their new coaches. Badgeley is optimistic about having two new assistants.

“Having two new assistants can bring a new perspective to things we’ve established. Plus, their excitement to be a part of a great program is fun to see,” he said. 

Kate Nordhaus, staff writer


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